Aminet 5
Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
192 lines
## DogFight!_class.h
## Defines Fighters, Shots, Coords, and functions on these objects.
## V0.6 28-FEB-94
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <libraries/mathffp.h>
#include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
#include <clib/mathffp_protos.h>
#include <clib/mathtrans_protos.h>
#include <clib/alib_protos.h>
#include <proto/intuition.h>
#include <proto/graphics.h>
#include <proto/mathffp.h>
#include <proto/mathtrans.h>
extern ULONG scrn_left, scrn_right, scrn_top, scrn_bottom;
extern struct TextAttr topaz8;
extern struct IntuiText PLT[];
extern const int slow[];
extern const int medium[];
extern const int fast[];
extern const int shotspeed[];
extern int game_speed;
extern BOOL vulnerability;
The COORD class handles all of our
screen positioning, and is screen
size sensitive (assuming we set the
correct variables in the DogFight!.h)
It handles inc/decrementing (movement),
wraparound, and keeps track of the
position in floating point.
class COORD {
float xinc, yinc;
float fx, fy;
int x, y;
void inc();
// Increment the coords and check for
// wraparound.
int dist(COORD);
// Returns the distance between itself
// and the supplied coordinate.
void set_f(float, float);
Our SHOT class. Since Jets don't
collide, this is the only way to shoot
down enemy craft =-).
class SHOT {
COORD c, old_c; // Coords for location
float dir; // direction of travel
int dist; // dist-ance travelled
void erase(struct RastPort *);
void draw(struct RastPort *);
int underway; // underway if active
void bang(COORD, float, int);
void move(struct RastPort *);
// Responsible for erasing, repositioning,
// and redrawing the shot, as well
// as checking to see if the shot has moved
// it's maximum range.
// See FIGHTER::move().
BOOL collide(COORD);
// Check for collision with the supplied
// coordinate.
// Returns TRUE if collision, and if so,
// stops shot.
void stop();
The Jet class.
We have:
* 3 coordinates for double-
buffering (to remember where we _were_),
* dir for direction, in rads (bleh!)
* turnrad for rate of turn
* 2 flags (rf&lf) for remembering in
which direction we're turning
* explosions for how big and long we
* color to identify the Jet
* speed for how fast the Jet is
* deadtime to keep track of how long
we have to go before we're resurected
* txt for our Jet identification number.
* alive for whether we've been shot
* in_play to tell if the Jet is being
* killscore for how many jets we've
shot down
* and our very own SHOT.
class FIGHTER {
COORD c, old_c; // where to draw and erase
float dir, turnrad; // direction and turn radius
BOOL rf, lf; // if turning right or left
int explosions, deadtime; // counters for non-flight time =-)
int color, speed; // color and speed of the Jet
struct IntuiText *txt; // the Jet's ID number
BOOL shootable; // starttime invulnerability
void draw(struct RastPort *);
void draw_explode(struct RastPort *);
BOOL alive, in_play; // if alive, or even in game
int killscore; // number of enemy kills
SHOT shot; // the (renewable) missile
void erase(struct RastPort *);
// Quick erase of the fighter shape.
// It would be better to erase just the
// shape instead of a block fill, but
// it takes too long.
void move(struct RastPort *);
// Responsible for erasing, calculating
// the new position, and drawing the Jet
// in the supplied RastPort. Assumes that
// we're double buffered; IE, that we're
// drawing on exactly two screens (hence
// the c, old_c, and oold_c coordinates).
// Also calls the explosion routines if
// the Jet is in the process of dying.
void init(int, int);
// Set up Jet values.
// - 'a' is the player number,
// - 'perf' is the Jet type option set in
// the prefs window.
// Player1 (a=0) starts in the upperleft
// screen corner, Player2 (a=1) in the
// upperright, etc.
// perf=0 means the Jet is not in play,
// perf=1 is a compromise Jet, etc.
void right();
void left();
void fire();
BOOL collide(SHOT *);
// Checks to see if the Jet has collided
// with the supplied SHOT.
void resurect(int, int);
// Keeps the Jet out of play for a
// certain amount of time (deadtime loops),
// and then starts him up again.